Hi everyone!
A friend of mine sent me these lovely Jamberry nail samples in the mail today. I have always heard about them from others but never actually tried them out myself. I'm not sure if many of you know, but nails have always been a weak spot for me. Doing my nails has just always seemed like a chore and I never got too excited about it. Regular nail polish usually only lasts a day or two on me before its starts chipping. Between being a speech therapist (working with kids) and house chores my nails have never stood a chance and I think I always knew that in the back of my mind.
But I have to say after trying these samples tonight I am ready to buy more! I love the way they came out. They are easy to apply and they look great! I am sure the more I practice with these nails the quicker it will get to apply. I'm sure there are some things that I didn't do 100% correct, so I'm excited to practice more with it. I will have to keep you all updated on how long they last on me.
Here is a link I used to help with applying the nails: http://jamswithcam.jamberrynails.net/about/apply/
If you aren't sure if you will like it or not just ask for a free sample first! You can contact Cameron if you have any other questions or just check her site out if you need some Jamberry inspiration.
Cameron's Jamberry facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/jamswithcameron
Here are some additional sample designs she sent me. I love all of the colors and designs! Too many to choose from!